Basic Police Academy.
The Henrico County Police Division’s Basic Police Academy consists of 32-35 weeks of classroom and hands-on, scenario-based training. The schedule is a typical 40 hour work-week, Monday through Friday. The hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., but there will be some instruction that requires night hours. The vast majority of the classroom and physical training will take place at the Public Safety Building Training Center on E. Parham Road.
Over the course of the academy, recruits will participate in classroom instruction lead primarily by our own officers who are general instructor certified. Recruits will spend countless hours learning topics such as Virginia law, career development, officer survival, emergency vehicle operation, weapons handling, defensive tactics, and de-escalation techniques to name just a few. Recruits will be tested several times over the 32-35 week period on all topics covered. A course curriculum/syllabus detailing the entire training schedule will be given to each recruit on day one.
Upon successful completion of the Basic Police Academy, the recruit class will attend a graduation ceremony attended by family and friends as well members of the Division and County Government. Once graduation is complete the recruits will begin Field Training. Field Training Officers (FTOs) are assigned while in the academy and recruits are given the chance to meet with them to go over expectations. Field Training consists of 2-3 months of “on-the-job” training with a certified, veteran officer. Recruits will now be considered officers and will respond to calls for service on patrol. The new officers will be tested daily on directives and law and must pass a Solo-Release Board to be recommended for release to solo-duty. Once that happens the new officer will be assigned his/her own service area to patrol on their own as a Virginia DCJS certified police officer.
Physical training is a very important element of the Basic Police Academy. In an effort to ensure graduates of the academy are prepared to serve Henrico County, each recruit will be required to participate in over 100 hours of physical fitness training and undergo multiple physical fitness assessments based upon the Cooper Institute Fitness Norms. These tests will measure each recruit’s speed, flexibility, strength and cardiovascular endurance.
For example: To achieve a “Good” score (60%), a 30-39 year old male should be able to complete 30 push-ups within one minute; a 30-39 year old female should be able to complete 21 push-ups within one minute.
During the first week of the academy, recruits will undergo their first physical fitness training assessment and be evaluated and scored using the Cooper Norms. You will be expected to successfully complete the following tests upon your arrival:
- Bench Press (1 repetition max)
- Vertical Jump
- Maximum Sit-Ups in 1 Minute
- Maximum Push-Ups in 1 Minute
- 300 Meter Sprint
- 1.5 Mile Run
Potential recruits/candidates are encouraged to begin physical activity well before starting the academy. This helps to reduce the chance of injury as well as establish a base of where they are physically.
At the completion of the academy, recruits are expected to be in the 60th percentile overall; but 60% in each category of fitness is preferred. This helps result in motivated and physically fit police officers as they move into their Field Training.
Not only is physical fitness an important aspect of the Basic Police Academy, but healthy eating habits are crucial as well. There are many unique job challenges to optimizing nutrition during your tour of duty that typically range from the duties of the job to strength, power, or endurance based tasks.
The foods you eat have the power to energize you or debilitate you. When you begin to think of food as fuel, which are foods that are nutrient-dense, you can attain many health benefits, maximize your mental and physical capacity, recover, minimize fatigue, and continue to perform at a high level.
Potential recruits/candidates are encouraged to revise their eating habits and increase water intake well before starting the academy. This will help optimize your health and performance during the academy.
Please consider following the below guides on nutrition supported by Henrico County’s Fitness & Wellness Division: